
I strive to apply and improve my skills in web development (HTML, CSS, JS, React.JS, Node.JS). I am looking for a team in which I can fully unleash my potential. At the moment, I am improving my knowledge and studying Type Script, in plans to master React Native.


  1. WebStudio [ HTML5, CSS3 ] - Personal project with adaptive and semantic layout, BEM methodology, animation and styling. Interaction with the user and data collection is implemented by a modal window with a form.
  2. Filmoteka [ JS, WEBPACK, FIREBASE, HTML, SASS ] - A team project that implements a movie search service with the ability to add your favorites to your personal library after registering on the service. My part of the work was to implement the saving of films that the user liked and display them in the user's personal library.
  3. Hellen [ HTML 5, CSS, SASS, JS ] - The first team project with responsive layout (desctop, tablet, mobile). My part of the work consisted in the implementation of 2 sections of the site, the implementation of the absolute positioning of decorative elements and work with vector graphics.
  4. Phonebook [ REACT.JS, REDUX, AJAX, WEBPACK ] - Application implemented on the React.JS framework with making requests on backend. After registration, user can add, delete and filter the contact list.

Work Experience

System Administration Specialist National Guard of Ukraine

March 2017 - up to now | Ukraine
  • Technical support and maintenance of the corporate network.
  • Maintenance and configuration of network equipment.
  • Organization and management of the workflow, setting tasks and monitoring their implementation.

Consultant British American Tobacco

September 2014 - March 2015 | Ukraine
  • Presentation of the company's products, search and attraction of new customers.



FullStack Developer
August 2020 - August 2021 | Ukraine

Kharkiv National Aerospace University

Specialist - faculty of Aircraft engines and power plants
January - 2016 | Ukraine